Competitor Analysis

Appendix: Lumi AI vs. Snowflake

October 7, 2024


10 mins


Competitor Analysis


This appendix is a follow-up to the main competitor analysis between Lumi AI and Snowflake, diving into the methodology and detailed results.

For a comprehensive overview of the main conclusions and insights, you can refer to the original article: Lumi AI vs. Snowflake Copilot.

Question Evaluation

The benchmarking process evaluated SQL queries across three difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard) based on the number of SQL components involved. These components include aggregate functions, scalar functions, and window functions for calculation of simple and advanced metrics. Additionally questions were chosen that required subqueries for handling complex logic, and proficiency in operations like date and time manipulation, NULL handling, string processing, and table joins. More advanced features like multi-Common Table Expressions (CTEs), set operators, control flow statements (CASE, IF), and business context integration are also assessed.

  • Easy: (fewer than 4 components): Basic queries with limited operations.
  • Medium: (4–6 components): Queries with moderate complexity involving multiple SQL functions.
  • Hard: (more than 6 components): Advanced queries that combine several SQL operations and logic.

This approach ensures a robust evaluation of SQL skills across a range of query complexities.

Test ID Difficulty Question Category Test Question Test Type SQL Query Components
00001 Easy Outstanding Invoices Do we have any invoices that are still outstanding? Distinct Retrieval 1
00002 Easy Brand Analysis What is all the distinct brands available? Distinct Retrieval 2
00003 Easy Promotion Check Are there any promotions that are currently active? Distinct Retrieval - (no records) 3
00004 Easy Brand & Category What are the top 5 brands and categories that have the highest safety stock? Basic SQL 3
00005 Easy Top Vendors Identify the top 5 vendors based on the total quantity of products supplied in 2023. Basic SQL 3
00006 Easy Customer Lifetime Value For each customer what is the count of purchases, average number of orders per month, and average order value based on revenue? Basic SQL 3
00007 Easy Payment What is the histogram of days difference with buckets of 1 day for payment date to actual payment? Basic SQL 3
00008 Medium Sales and Moving Average For item 1001, what is the total sales for each month in 2023, along with the moving average? Please also include the delta. Medium SQL 4
00009 Medium Discrepancy Analysis Which items have the largest discrepancy when comparing the minimum order quantity to the average monthly sales in 2023? Medium SQL 4
00010 Medium Vendor Analysis What items have we purchased from multiple suppliers? Only consider purchases made in 2023. Medium SQL - (no records) 4
00011 Medium Safety Stock Are there any issues with our inventory? Vague Question 4
00012 Medium Category Analysis What were the sales for every month in 2023 for premium bikes? Nuanced Context - (business context) 5
00013 Medium Product Performance Which products have shown the highest year-over-year growth in sales from 2022 to 2023? Medium SQL 5
00014 Medium Margin Which Items do we yield the lowest margins on? Output should be: Item Id, Total Revenue, Total Profit, Total Cost, Margin %. Medium SQL 5
00015 Hard Customer Activity For customer Globex Corp, for every month from 2022 - 2023, what is the number of orders for each month along with the cumulative count? Advanced SQL 6
00016 Hard Lagging Items What are items that have experienced the largest decline in gross profit when comparing the last 3 months to the previous 3 months (use July 1st 2023 as current date)? Output: Item, Item description, Previous 3 Month, Past 3 Months, Delta. Advanced SQL 6
00017 Hard In Stock Provide the number of in-stock and out-of-stock days in 2023 for each item, and add a column to show the in-stock percentage as well. Advanced SQL 6
00018 Hard Promotion Can you compare the average weekly sales of item 1016 while on promotion vs. not on promotion by summing the sales and dividing by the number of distinct selling weeks? Advanced SQL 6
00019 Hard Revenue What are the items that make up 80% of the total order volume in 2023? Advanced SQL 6
00020 Hard Supply Analysis Which items have the highest months of supply? Assume the date is July 1st 2023. Advanced SQL 8
00021 Hard Order Pattern Detection Which items are most frequently ordered together? Advanced SQL 8

Snowflake Results Summary

This section provides a summary of Snowflake Copilot's performance across the full range of queries used in the benchmark.

Snowflake Score 21/42
Snowflake Accuracy 50%

Difficulty Question Category Test Question Correctness of Answer Failure Category Failure Reason
Easy Outstanding Invoices Do we have any invoices that are still outstanding? 1 Partial Answer Snowflake produced a partial answer, needing additional prompting for actual insights, including customer name and date.
Easy Brand Analysis What is all the distinct brands available? 2 -
Easy Promotion Check Are there any promotions that are currently active? 2
Easy Brand & Category What are the top 5 brands and categories that have the highest safety stock? 2 -
Easy Top Vendors Identify the top 5 vendors based on the total quantity of products supplied in 2023. 2 -
Easy Customer Lifetime Value For each customer what is the count of purchases, average number of orders per month, and average order value based on revenue 2 -
Easy Payment What is the histogram of days difference with buckets of 1 day for payment date to actual payment. 2 -
Medium Sales and Moving Average For item 1001, what is the total sales for each month in 2023, along with the moving average? Please also include the delta. 2
Medium Category Analysis What were the sales for every month in 2023 for premium bikes? 1 Partial Answer Snowflake correctly produced the correct answer after more context of category = 1 was provided. Highlighting the need for business context.
Medium Discrepancy Analysis Which items have the largest discrepancy when comparing the minimum order quantity to the average monthly sales in 2023? 0 Incorrect SQL Snowflake did not produce a correct SQL generating a result that returned duplicate items.
Medium Product Performance Which products have shown the highest year-over-year growth in sales from 2022 to 2023? 1 Partial Answer Snowflake produced a partially correct answer in terms of growth numerically however was not able to account for divide by zero errors when calculating percentage.
Medium Vendor Analysis What items have we purchased from multiple suppliers? Only consider purchases made in 2023. 2
Medium Margin Which Items do we yield the lowest margins on? Output should be: Item Id, Total Revenue, Total Profit, Total Cost, Margin %. 0 Incorrect Calculation Snowflake incorrectly calculated margin percentage using cost instead of revenue in the denominator.
Medium Safety Stock Are there any issues with our inventory? 0 Incorrect Calculation Snowflake did not return a logical answer with improperly calculated fields, as well as misinterpreted field naming highlighting need for a semantic layer.
Hard Customer Activity For customer Globex Corp, for every month from 2022 - 2023, what is the number of orders for each month along with the cumulative count? 0 Incorrect Filtering Snowflake did not produce the correct answer, filtering a customer name in the id field. When offered additional context created a non-executable query.
Hard Lagging Items What are items that have experienced the largest decline in gross profit when comparing the last 3 months to the previous 3 months (use July 1st 2023 as current date). Output: Item, Item description, Previous 3 Month, Past 3 Months, Delta. 0 Incorrect Calculation Snowflake performed an incorrect date calculation: The last_period CTE in the first query selects data from April 1, 2023, onwards without an upper bound. This means it includes data beyond June 30, 2023, which is outside the scope of the "past 3 months" as per the question.
Hard Supply Analysis Which items have the highest months of supply? 0 Not Executable Snowflake did not produce an executable SQL query.
Hard Order Pattern Detection Which items are most frequently ordered together? 1 Incomplete Calculation Snowflake did a partial basket analysis.
Hard In Stock Provide the number of in-stock and out-of-stock days in 2023 for each item, and add a column to show the in-stock percentage as well. 0 Incorrect Calculation Snowflake performed an incorrect calculation with illogical results, as well as misinterpreted field naming highlighting need for a semantic layer.
Hard Promotion Can you compare the average weekly sales of item 1016 while on promotion vs. not on promotion by summing the sales and dividing by the number of distinct selling weeks? 1 Partial Answer Snowflake gave a partial correct answer, however did not aggregate fully.
Hard Revenue What are the items that make up 80% of the total order volume in 2023? 0 Incorrect Join Snowflake made an incorrect join to the purchase tables, and did not produce any results.

Lumi AI Results

This section presents the experiment results for Lumi's performance across the same set of queries.

Lumi Score 40/42
Lumi Accuracy 95.2%

Difficulty Question Category Test Question Correctness of Answer Failure Category Failure Reason
Easy Outstanding Invoices Do we have any invoices that are still outstanding? 2
Easy Brand Analysis What is all the distinct brands available? 2
Easy Promotion Check Are there any promotions that are currently active? 2
Easy Brand - Category What are the top 5 brands and categories that have the highest safety stock? 2
Easy Top Vendors Identify the top 5 vendors based on the total quantity of products supplied in 2023. 2
Easy Customer Lifetime Value For each customer what is the count of purchases, average number of orders per month, and average order value based on revenue? 2
Easy Payment What is the histogram of days difference with buckets of 1 day for payment date to actual payment? 2
Medium Sales and Moving Average For item 1001, what is the total sales for each month in 2023, along with the moving average? Please also include the delta. 2
Medium Category Analysis What were the sales for every month in 2023 for premium bikes? 2
Medium Discrepancy Analysis Which items have the largest discrepancy when comparing the minimum order quantity to the average monthly sales in 2023? 1 Incorrect Aggregation Lumi made an incorrect aggregation on the first attempt, however was able to generate the correct answer with additional context.
Medium Product Performance Which products have shown the highest year-over-year growth in sales from 2022 to 2023? 2
Medium Vendor Analysis What items have we purchased from multiple suppliers? Only consider purchases made in 2023. 2
Medium Margin Which Items do we yield the lowest margins on? Output should be: Item Id, Total Revenue, Total Profit, Total Cost, Margin %. 2
Medium Safety Stock Are there any issues with our inventory? 2
Hard Customer Activity For customer Globex Corp, for every month from 2022 - 2023, what is the number of orders for each month along with the cumulative count? 2
Hard Lagging Items What are items that have experienced the largest decline in gross profit when comparing the last 3 months to the previous 3 months? 2
Hard Supply Analysis Which items have the highest months of supply? 2
Hard Order Pattern Detection Which items are most frequently ordered together? 1 Incomplete Calculation Lumi did a partial basket analysis.
Hard In Stock Provide the number of in-stock and out-of-stock days in 2023 for each item, and add a column to show the in-stock percentage as well. 2
Hard Promotion Can you compare the average weekly sales of item 1016 while on promotion vs. not on promotion? 2
Hard Revenue What are the items that make up 80% of the total order volume in 2023? 2

Results Details

View full details including the industry landscape overview and individual question outputs.


This article serves as a companion piece to Snowflake vs Lumi AI, shedding light on the practical outcomes of the tests and how the platforms stack up in real-world data query scenarios. This appendix provides a detailed breakdown, focusing on their performance across a wide range of SQL queries. Through the benchmarking process, we evaluated how each platform handles different query complexities, from basic SQL operations to advanced, multi-CTE queries with nuanced business contexts. The results illustrate clear strengths and limitations for both platforms, offering valuable insights into their capabilities for various use cases.

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